Driven By
Excellence, Expertise and Experience
We specialise in the following key areas:
Our Story
Providing a specialist credit management solution.
Your Story
Improving your credit management success story
We can be an integral part of your successful credit management story by assisting you with our range of debt recovery and credit management, as well as keeping up to date with the latest and best practices, training and news.
Latest news & Events
Radio Interview: Brett Bentley on Radio 702 talking about the legalities of Electronic Agreements
Our CEO Brett Bentley, chatted about the legalities of electronic agreements and suretyships on the Legal Matters segment of the Aubrey Masango Show on Radio 702 on the 5th October 2021. Click the link below to listen to the full interview.
The Legalities of Agreements and Suretyships Signed Electronically
The Legalities of Agreements and Suretyships Signed Electronically Contracting in the Digital Age One of the few benefits of the COVID-19 Lockdown is that it has speeded up the adoption of the so-called digital or electronic contracting. While this form of contracting is already the norm in many instances, the challenge is, and always will […]
Does your Business have to Register as a Credit Provider in terms of the National Credit Act?
In this video, Brett Bentley explores the registration requirements for a business tobe required to register as a credit provider in terms of the befuddling SouthAfrican National Credit Act. Section 40 (1) of the National Credit Act , “ A person must apply to be registered as a credit provider if the total principal debt […]
An innovative series of legal videos with in-depth views and opinions, including:
- Taking Counsel – Where Brett Bentley interviews some of South Africa’s top legal minds on recent cases and topic issues
- Appealing Opinion – Where We give our candid legal opinion on important legal issues